Thursday 19 March 2009

Sabbath Time

After five weeks of retreat leading and demanding ministry it's good to be home again for a while.

Thank you all for your prayer support and encouragement whilst I have been away. In the times when I was 'running on empty', prayer empowered me amazingly. In spite of my tiredness and vulnerabilities, God worked through me. It was a huge priviledge to see people take positive steps along their journey of inner healing, and in some cases receive the touch of physical healing.

The first ever residential retreat offered by Wisdom House went well and was a joy to lead. After that, the majority of my time away, at Green Pastures, was spent in pastoral listening and prayer ministry, and in the leading of chapel times and Quiet Days. This was challenging work, but blessed me enormously in the process.

I shall now take a couple of weeks to gently recover and re-focus, before turning my attention to my wider ministry of retreat leading and writing. I'll post more prayer news after this short break.

Please pray for restoration and renewal during this time. Perhaps you would also pray for those whom I have been alongside during the last month - pray that the work begun in them would be sustained and strengthened. And pray for the important work of Green Pastures and Wisdom House.

God bless you all - spring is a great season in which to receive renewal from the Lord.
