Saturday, 27 October 2012

Autumn Leaves

As the autumn leaves put on fabulous displays of colour, here in the UK, I am reminded of creation's in-built rhythms of rest.  The leaves change colour as the trees prepare for winter rest.  And we too will have natural seasons when we need to rest, in order to be more fruitful in a future season.

I am now well rested after a much longer than expected sabbatical.  It has been easy, at times, to feel 'guilty' at a sense of 'doing nothing' during this time   ...   but, on reflection, how can "giving oneself the opportunity to heal" and "going deeper into prayer" be classed as nothing?  I know it has all been preparation for what is to come.

Thank you to the many people, know and unknown, who have supported me prayerfully, financially and in many other ways thoughout this time.  You have helped me more than you know.

I am beginning to consider retreat leading invitations for next year, but hope to concentrate primarily on writing new materials for publication.  I recently saw the early drafts of the artwork for my new book, Deeper, and I am thrilled.  Mary Fleeson is doing a beautiful job and it is a huge privilege to be working together on this.  We are aiming for publication in autumn 2013.  Please pray for Mary, both in her own ministry and in this specific collaboration.

Healthwise, I am now undergoing some intensive treatment for my lymphatic system.  This is expected to continue weekly for approximately 6 months.  Already, there are positive indications, but the regular treatments leave my body feeling exhausted, so I will be continuing to go gently during this period.  Please pray that my body will continue to respond well and that my energy will soon return.

Once again, thank you all for your continuing interest in my ministry.  

May God be with you all.
