Tuesday, 26 November 2019

Dwelling more deeply

Have you seen it yet?

It's selling phenomenally well.

Help someone to deepen their prayer life in 2020 by making them a gift of this new book, 

'Dwelling in the Psalms'.

The psalms are an outpouring of unrestrained emotion to the One who won't be shocked by any of it; to the God who wants to hear it and who wants to be intimately involved in every detail of our lives.  They are prayer of the highest order.  They hold up a mirror to our deepest feelings and that's exactly why they remain so relevant today in this very different time, context and culture from when they were written.  

And that's why people are finding that this new book resonates with them.

If you haven't seen it yet, it's worth a look.
It was a privilege to write it and I'd love you to pray with it.
And it would make a great Christmas gift!
You can find it on Amazon UK and at my online shop.

Saturday, 23 November 2019

A gift for the weary

Ever wished you could step right inside the gospel stories?

Need some help to do that?

Look no further!  The Pathways to Healing series of CDs will enable you to do just that.   Based on scripture, they combine narrative poetry and guided meditation with prayerful questioning and relaxing ambient music.  Our intention is to produce a series of 10 recordings: no 1 in the series is available now, and no 2 will be released in the New Year.

They are CDs to be experienced, quietly, expectantly, deeply; a perfect antidote to the pre-Christmas stresses or a perfect gift for the weary.  And the first has won high praise:
"A wonderful CD! It leads the listener on a journey, touching their deepest fears and worries with peace, forgiveness and the presence of Christ."
Pam Rhodes
"Take Up Your Mat" is a great gift for any Christian friend who needs a bit of a boost.

Available from Amazon UK and my online shop

Take a look now  …  before you forget! 

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Praise for Dwelling in the Psalms

People are saying some lovely things about 'Dwelling in the Psalms'.

This feedback comes from a recently retired chaplain -

"It's such a treasure trove, full of jewels and precious gems; so full of Godly wisdom and truth.  Inspiring. Comforting. Challenging. Thought provoking. Encouraging."
 If you haven't seen it yet, do take a look - 150 contemporary interpretations, devotional reflections and accompanying prayers, based on the entire collection of Psalms.

Available from Amazon UK, my web-shop and all good Christian retailers.

It would make a lovely gift for Christmas; or why not treat yourself?