Sunday, 17 May 2020

More 'Prayerful Moments'

Increasingly aware of the many struggles people are facing during this pandemic, I have been developing some more simple meditations to help people through.

As I anticipate that the series may continue to grow, these meditations now have their own web page which you can access through the link on the top right of this page.

I pray that these new resources will help you in some small way.

Please help others too by sharing this information widely.                    Thank you.

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Prayerful Moments in the pandemic

These are not easy times, are they?

As part of my personal response to the current crisis, I have begun to develop some simple prayerful meditations which can be found here, on YouTube and on Facebook.  Each is about 15 minutes long.  My hope is that these will provide opportunities for others to find peace in their anxieties and to calm and strengthen themselves with prayer.

If God leads me in this project, this may become a series.

The first in the series is here  ...

I'm also thrilled to discover that my new book gets a mention on YouTube too!

Nicky Hazley, from Comber Methodist church, in Ireland, has created a lovely prayer reflection based on 'Dwelling in the Psalms'.

This is also well worth exploring  ...

Peace be with you all.

Go safely through these times.
