Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Healing through Imaginative Prayer - Special Offer

Have you ever experienced imaginative prayer?

It can be a deeply special way to pray, bringing the biblical text alive and enabling you to connect the gospel story with your own personal situation.  And it can be a very powerful way to encounter Jesus and to find healing.

My Pathways to Healing CD series aims to help you do just that.   I've had some stunning feedback.

To get a taste of the series, why not take a pause and listen to this short presentation.

And if you like what you hear, my CDs are now on special offer during the pandemic - only £10 for 2 CDs - two CDs for the price of one!    

The beautiful artwork in the above presentation is by the very gifted Jeremy Thomas and is one of thirty stunning paintings in his project, 'The Human One', telling the story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The project is being developed at Saint Mary's Priory, Abergavenny, where Jeremy is currently Artist in Residence. On completion of the project the exhibition will go on tour around the UK.   

You can view and purchase Jeremy's artwork at -

And you can purchase the special offer Pathways to Healing CDs here

Do please support us in our respective ministries.


Monday, 13 July 2020

In awe of nature

I wonder what it is that sustains you through these difficult days, as we tentatively ease out of lockdown?  For me, there are two things: prayer and spending time in the natural world.  I love observing the bird life at my local lake.  And I always find that time in nature leads me further into prayer.  

In my morning devotional today, I read:

People only have to look at the creation around them to know that an invisible hand has brought into being all they can see.
Romans 1.20 (The Truth translation)

and Psalm 104, in the Message, speaks of  "a wildly wonderful world".

How true these two verses are for me. 

Here's my reflection on Psalm 104, from ‘Dwelling in the Psalms':

The natural world is beautifully designed. It has a phenomenal order and interconnectedness to it. Not only is there immense variety and beauty, but each creature, plant and micro climate has its place and purpose in the grand whole. Science is still only chipping away at the edges of comprehending how remarkable the created world truly is.

 This psalm is a veritable litany of praise to God’s truly fascinating and breath-taking design. Even with the simple understanding of his time, before the advancement of science was to discover so much more and before technology would enable knowledge to be so widely shared, the psalmist understands that only God could establish such incredible variety, order and provision. And his response is one of worship: ‘Let all that I am praise the Lord.’

Spending time in nature is a very healing thing to do, especially when times are difficult.  Why not try and take a close look at nature today, whether it's a wide vista of rolling countryside, or a close up view of the intricacy of a flower.  Take time to stand and stare, appreciate the beauty and let wonder quieten all your other concerns, if only for a moment.

Then maybe you might like to join me in praying this prayer:

God of Glory, 

thank you 

for the wonder of your world 

and for my place within it.

I praise you 

for its beauty and diversity;

for the remarkable way 

in which all things 

have their significance.

I praise you

for the birds and animals,

for all that swims,

and for tiny insects 

which pollinate the plants.

For flowers and trees 

and plants of every kind, 

I praise you.

For the rich 

topography of the earth 

and the rhythm of the seasons,

I thank you.


May I never 

lose my sense of amazement

at the beauty of your world:


reflects your glory.


With every ounce of my breath

I praise you.


"Dwelling in the Psalms" has lots more reflections and prayers like this, in fact it covers all 150 of the psalms.

It's available from my webshop, or from all good Christian bookshops and, of course, from Amazon.
