As everyone swelters around me, I've been blessed to find a good writing spot in a heatwave. Wonderful air conditioning, snacks aplenty and good coffee on tap. Find me a nice sea view and a gentle breeze, or zoom me up to Penhurst, and my joy would be complete. But I’m grateful for small mercies as the mercury rockets upwards. If you’re looking for me, I'll be in my local Costa until the heatwave burns itself out.
So here I am, pondering with lepers and blind men, with radical friends who tore apart a roof, with weary disciples trudging home dispirited, and with countless others who had their lives beautifully touched by Jesus. I’m reflecting on the wonder and reality of his healing presence and the question of how to make that an everyday reality for others.
I'm writing new materials for the next retreat that Jill Hoffmann and I will be leading. We'll be offering Encounters with Healing at Penhurst Retreat Centre in early October. The autumn may well be the last thing on your mind at the moment but it’s never too early to book your place on what will hopefully be a very healing time. Our retreats are always popular; on our last one someone came all the way from Jerusalem to be with us! Why not come and join us too in the beautiful, prayerful atmosphere of Penhurst? You can find the details here. Plan ahead: it would be great to see you.
then, I hope you manage to find your own cool spots. I’m
just off to order another flat white …