a very high profile news story at the moment that it’s impossible to ignore. Whatever
you think of it, you will certainly have registered it. It has all the elements
of a blockbuster movie; a story of pain, anger and betrayal, played out at the
highest level. Like all such stories, the unspoken narrative is one of longing.
A longing to feel loved. Unconditionally loved. No matter what.
you feel about the wisdom of sharing intimate family problems in the public
domain, and the nature of how this has been done, there are resonances in
Prince Harry’s story for all of us. At its heart, it’s a story of unresolved
childhood trauma. And who amongst us has not gathered childhood wounds of one
sort or another? We all do. And we all need to find healing, otherwise those
wounds drive our adult lives in unhealthy ways.
Life’s Hurts’ is the working title of my upcoming book. And for twenty years
that has been the focus of my ministry; facilitating encounters with the Jesus
who still heals today. And what a journey it’s been. It has been the greatest
privilege to follow God’s unexpected call on my life and deeply humbling to see
lives transformed as people live into the truth that they are loved beyond
measure, just as they are. The anointing on this ministry continues to grow in
breath-taking ways.
you offer is phenomenal” - words of a recent retreat guest
you help me to continue this important work?
the beginning, my ministry has been funded by donations. But now a crunch point
has come. Like many people and organisations, I am feeling the pinch in these
economically challenging times. My ministry is now operating at a significant
financial loss and without further support it will probably be unsustainable.
has never been a more important need for people to find healing. But producing
resources and running retreats is costly in terms of time and money. If you, or
someone you know, values the help that my ministry has offered please would you
consider partnering with me to continue this vital work. It’s not about me:
it’s about what God can do through this ministry. Please help if you can. I
would hate to have to stop now.
details of how you can help are HERE.
take a look; even donations the size of a widow’s mite will help me and every
prayer helps more than you will ever know. To paraphrase Jesus, the workers are
few but the needs are great.
~ ~ ~
in the meantime, let us all pray for Harry, for all whom his story impacts, and
for all who need to find healing from life’s hurts.
be with you x