My series of September talks is so far going well. Thank you for your prayers.
It has been lovely to see people touched by my words and my testimony, and at each talk I have given so far people have asked me if I have ever thought about producing a CD. I have already suggested that we do so with my next book, the manuscript of which is with Inspire at the moment, so this feels like real confirmation of that idea. Please pray that the publisher will (a) accept the manuscript and (b) agree to produce a CD with it.
My books continue to sell better than expected. Please give thanks.
I recently had a strong word from the Lord in my prayer times that I must 'steer carefully, otherwise you will crash'. This is a very timely word, as I have felt very tired, quite pressured and lacking sufficient quiet space recently ... so please pray that I will maintain the right balance in all I do and prevent myself from crashing.
As always, your prayers for me are hugely appreciated.