The recent conference of the Order of Jacob's Well was a time of tremendous healing, great teaching, wonderful fellowship and a real sense of the love of Jesus shining through the event. It was a privilege to lead meditations for the conference, and, with such a wonderfully receptive audience, these proved to be very powerful. Much healing took place. I also led a Poetry Evening which was well received. Thank you for your prayers: they have upheld me through this event.
I was able to renew several friendships and build many new ones and I'm sure that much fruit might grow from this conference. There was significant interest in my work. Please pray for me as I discern how to balance my future diary and to live in the necessary rhythms of grace that enable me to carry out this ministry.
Give thanks that Jacob's Well have invited me to run a series of retreats for them and pray for us as together we discern what is needed and work through the logistics of this new direction.
Rob Endicott, who led worship at the conference, is exploring writing music for a set of song lyrics I have written. Give thanks for his gifting and pray for an anointing on him as he does this.
Finally, I am back at base again and looking forward to having time to give my home some much needed TLC. After that, I will be working on my next two manuscripts. Please pray for an anointing on me as I do that and pray for God's leading as I seek out a new publisher.
Overall, the conference was a time of great blessing and a real confirmation of the ministry God calls me to. I fell head over heels in love with Jesus all over again!
May He bless you all abundantly.
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Sunday, 8 June 2008
Healing Hands
God continues to draw me deeper into a heart for His healing ministry. Currently I am preparing to lead meditations at a conference for the Order of Jacobs Well, an ecumenical order whose members are quietly being 'the hands of Jesus' in the field of healing. Please pray for me in these last few days as I put the finishing touches to my preparations. And please pray for a real anointing as I lead the meditations at the conference.
At the Ruth Fazal event I experienced the healing of a painful neck condition when someone felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to lay hands on me. Give thanks. We have a wonderful God. It was a real blessing to experience at close quarters Ruth's beautiful music and her powerfully anointed ministry.
Financial support for my ministry continues to quietly grow. Give thanks. I am so humbled by this support. Please continue to pray that exactly what is needed will be provided.
I continue to receive enquiries for retreat events and know that this is where God calls me to be. It is a real blessing to be clay in the potter's hands: may I never resist his moulding.
Thank you for your prayer support which enables all that I do. May God bless you all.
At the Ruth Fazal event I experienced the healing of a painful neck condition when someone felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to lay hands on me. Give thanks. We have a wonderful God. It was a real blessing to experience at close quarters Ruth's beautiful music and her powerfully anointed ministry.
Financial support for my ministry continues to quietly grow. Give thanks. I am so humbled by this support. Please continue to pray that exactly what is needed will be provided.
I continue to receive enquiries for retreat events and know that this is where God calls me to be. It is a real blessing to be clay in the potter's hands: may I never resist his moulding.
Thank you for your prayer support which enables all that I do. May God bless you all.