Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support. Happily, I have made a good recovery from my injuries and am finally getting back to normal.
The first draft of a Christmas manuscript is now complete! So I'm currently exploring possibilities for publishers for two manuscripts, as well as someone who is willing to take on my existing three titles when Inspire ceases trading in August. Please pray for this.
And I'm starting out on a new venture. Many creative Christians generously make their work freely available over the web - and I've decided to join them. I would much prefer that my writing be used in helpful ways than that it sit tucked away in some hidden corner of a microchip inside my laptop. So, I have decided to regularly post some of my poetry here. There are only 3 poems so far, but I plan to post more on a regular basis. Please do pass this news on to anyone who might find these materials helpful.
Retreat leading is taking off ... I am inundated with requests and my diary for the coming year is nearly full. I am deeply humbled and very heartened by this. Please pray that I'll be enabled to create a good balance between retreat leading and quiet renewal time in the months ahead.
Please pray too for all the preparations that lie ahead of me before I depart for Dorset in just over two weeks time. And pray that I'll be able to maintain and improve my health this year.
Finally, I am hugely excited by all the possibilities that Christ is opening up in my life. This quote, from the song Light of my Life, is my prayer for the coming year:
Light of my life
Love of my heart
Be Lord in everything.
Tre Luci
May it be so ... for all of us ...