Applications for the New Zealand sabbatical will be considered at the end of August. Please pray for a successful outcome to my application - this would be the opportunity of a lifetime.
I have recently led two Quiet Days based on Mark 6.31 -
Come away with me, by yourselves, to a quiet place
and get some rest.
and I've been aware for some time that this is very much what the Lord is saying to me.
Having lived out my life and ministry at a demanding pace over the last couple of years, a very great tiredness has accumulated. So, with much prompting from both friends and Godly strangers, I am carving out a necessary space over the summer in which to slow down the pace, reflect and restore myself. Unfortunately this has meant the need for a decision to cancel the Llangasty summer retreat. My apologies to all those who are disappointed by this, but I hope to be able to offer the event again at a future time and I know that my ministry will be much the richer for taking this quiet time.
I would therefore value your prayers at this time for restoration and renewal, and for motivation as I seek to improve my overall health.
Thank you.