To be effective, any ministry needs to be underpinned by prayer, and at the close of the year I am particularly aware of all who have faithly supported me in this way. Thank you to you all - your prayers have power.
I also give thanks for the growing number of donations towards the costs of my New Zealand scholarship trip. From a mix of offerings, ranging from a few coppers to cheques large and small, the Lord is putting in place the necessary provision. Again, thank you to you all - may the Lord bless each one of you, as you are blessing me.
A powerful Advent retreat, enhanced by a wonderful mix of people, has set the scene for Christmas and brought my retreat-leading to a close for now. I have led an extraordinary number of events this year and have hardly stopped to draw breath. It has been both challenging and exhausting, but at the same time hugely rewarding. I feel as if I have found the work that I was always meant to do.
But now it's time to stop and take some long overdue sabbath time ... precious space in which to write, reflect and take stock. I look forward enormously to the opportunities that lie ahead of me in New Zealand. Please pray for me as I prepare to fly out at the end of January.
And in the meantime, may you all enjoy a peaceful and joyous Christmas.
I have recently posted some new Christmas materials on my Poetry Page, and you can view them here. Enjoy ...
Have a very special Christmas!