Sunday, 11 September 2011

Autumn News

Autumn finds me in a busy season of ministry, but a week of silence at a Franciscan hermitage has been a good preparation.

Your prayers would be hugely appreciated.

My diary for the coming six weeks includes, two Quiet Days, a 4-day retreat at Green Pastures, a healing training course, a presentation, a short time at Rydal Hall and a week of conversations around the healing ministry; along with on-going reflections on a proposal for my own church.

Taking into account the preparation and recovery time needed for these events, this doesn't leave much time for rest and renewal.

Do please pray for me!

Please pray for stamina, inspiration & balance over the next 6 weeks; and for the Holy Spirit's empowering. You can see my diary by scrolling down on the right if you wish to pray more specifically.

It was a joy yesterday to lead a Quiet Day for Caverswall parish, on the theme, "Abide in Me". A very receptive group of people had some powerful Godly encounters as they 'abided' in Him.

Give thanks and pray for continued blessings for the Caverswall folks.

I am increasingly aware that the Lord calls me to a contemplative lifestyle and a ministry with a focus on healing. I'm still in the process of discerning exactly where I should put my energies next year, but the picture is becoming clearer. Again, please do keep praying.

Finances continue to be very tight, as they are for many people at this time. Please give thanks for those who lovingly support me in this way and pray that the Lord will continue to have His hand on the finances needed to underpin my ministry.

A few other snippets of news:

To my great excitement, the new Whispers of Love e-book is starting to sell ... I now have an electronic readership!

An update on my grandson, Jack - his course of treatment has now been completed and a recent scan revealed no sign of the cancer. As a family, we give huge thanks to all who have contributed to his healing through their care, skills and prayers.

On a personal level, there is now less of me! I am now just 2lbs short of attaining my target of losing 3 stone by October 1st. Thank you to all who have helped to raise funds for Birmingham Children's Hospital through sponsoring me and encouraging me (and hiding the chocolate cakes!).

May the Lord bless you all, through this autumnal season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. Thank you for your ongoing friendship and prayer support.
