My year begins with a sabbath pause ...
Following a recent period of ill-health, I shall be continuing to take a break from retreat leading whilst I concentrate on restoring my health. This will require me to have a mix of rest and relaxation (to restore myself mentally), alongside the need for a disciplined regime of exercise and massage (to restore my lymphatic system to health). This could be a tricky balance to achieve and your prayers would be appreciated.
One thing that I will be investigating during this time is how mindfulness meditation can help people to heal. I am hopeful that this will be beneficial not only to myself but to others whom I work alongside in the future.
Hopefully, as I step aside from retreat leading, there may be more time to write. I am currently close to completing a book of meditations for the Christmas season. Please pray that a mainstream Christian publisher will be willing to take on the publication of this.
Thank you for your support through your love, prayers and encouragement during my recent health struggles. I have valued your love enormously and hope to be able to share positive news about my health when I next write.