I'm pleased to share with you that you can now buy my books and cards directly from the link on the top right of this page. At last I have an online shop! Please do point potential customers to this link. I look forward to receiving lots of orders!
Many thanks to you all for your prayerful support in recent times. I'm happy to report that my health is now much restored. When I look back over the last nine months, quoting Dickens, 'It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.' But it has brought me to a place of unexpected blessings. When there was no other way to heal, there was nothing to do but to go deeper into God. My ill-health forced me to evaluate whether I was living in the most appropriate way to enable my ministry. And the Retreat Association Conference proved to be a kairos time in my thinking. As a result, I have now settled into quiet contemplative rhythms which are helping me, as a friend prayed recently, to 'grow strong in the Lord'.
I shall be continuing to take Sabbath time whilst I consolidate these rhythms and try to discern what God calls me to next. Please pray for protection on this special time, for sustained good health and for the gift of discernment and wisdom to know when to step back into ministry. Creative writing is starting to flow again and I am confident that further time in quiet prayer and reflective reading will bear fruit in future days.
I will be making myself available to lead a limited number of retreats in 2013.
My thanks again for your continuing support.
May the Lord meet you in all of your needs, whatever they may be.