Sunday, 9 March 2008

Down Time

The recent Quiet Day - He Chose The Nails - went very well and I thank you all for your prayer upholding. People seemed to be very blessed and used phrases like 'amazing' and 'so moving as to be beyond words'. I just thank the Lord for the Holy Spirit's enabling. The John Young Foundation have asked me to lead a similar day in the autumn.

So now I have arrived at some intentional down time in my diary. This is some much needed quiet space for me after the fairly intense preparation and leading of the last few weeks and months. I plan to begin this break by spending time at Morley Retreat House.

After that, it will be time to set in motion the launch of a Support Group for this ministry.

So, please pray for rest & renewal and for wisdom in how to approach the Support Group launch. Please also pray for my health, which is below par at the moment.

Thank you, dear friends - may you enjoy a richly blessed Easter season.