Saturday, 20 October 2007

Writing Time

I continue to be busy! Have just completed some contributions for next year's Spring Harvest liturgy. Please pray (a) that they'll be accepted and (b) that I'll be paid a fair price for this work.

Please continue to pray too for a succesful outcome to my application for an Author Grant, which is under consideration this month.

The next thing on my agenda is that I'm about to hide myself away in a bolt-hole in Devon for a concentrated ten days of prayer and writing [from the 25th - 6th]. I'd be really grateful if you would pray me through this please.

Finally, Jonathon Hemingray feels God calling him to create a sculpture based on my poem "The Crucifixion Tree". Give thanks for this collaboration and please pray for him as he attempts this - it could be quite a powerful piece.

Thank you everyone. Your prayers continue to sustain me.

Bless you all. xx

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

Prayers for a Grant and a Support Group

My life is full of amazing God-incidences at the moment and I sense the Lord working his purposes out in spite of me! I also sense my ministry moving into a new phase. So please keep praying me through the process.

I am about to launch an initiative to set up a more formal Support Group for my ministry and am in the process of putting the details of this together. I am being greatly helped in this by my friends, Ann & Roger. We hope to send out a mailshot about this soon. Please pray for us on this issue, as we work the logistics out and try to get our approach right. Please pray too that God will work in people's hearts and bring into being the support that is needed.

My application for an Author Grant [to enable me to pay for time-out with quality writing space] is being considered by the panel this month. Please pray for a positive decision!

Finally, give thanks for an invitation from Jonathon Hemingray, a gifted wood sculptor, to work collaboratively with him.

Exciting things are happening! Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

A New Publisher?

My September series of talks is coming to an end now and has gone well. The South Wales Christian Writers Event was particularly blessed. Thank you to you all for your prayer support.

My next step is to consider the formal launch of a Support Group for my ministry. I really do feel the Lord's prompting in this and that 'the timing is now'. Please pray for me to have wisdom in how to approach this.

Not so good news on the publishing front ... Inspire have declined to publish my new manuscript. My ego is a little bruised [no bad thing!] but I really do see this as God's opportunity to explore new publishing possibilities. Please pray that I will have good discernment in whom to approach.

God's blessings on you all - thank you for your prayers, which are foundational to my ministry.