Sunday, 15 March 2020

Calming the Storm - A new CD!

"A wonderful CD series!  
Touching our deepest fears and hurts
with the peace and presence of Christ."

A beautiful endorsement from
Pam Rhodes

How calm are you right now?

As coronavirus sweeps its way across the world, there are many fears around: fears of sickness, fears of shortages, isolation and disruption, fears of financial struggles, fears of death; and fears of how we will cope with all this.

Many are experiencing significant inner turmoil at the moment, trying to 'keep calm and carry on' in spite of their hidden storms, which may of course have their roots in other personal problems too.

How might we find peace for our swirling emotions, fears and anxieties?   

'Calming the Storm' is the next CD in the Pathways to Healing series - and I'm thrilled to announce that it's released today!  

Based on Jesus calming the storm on Galilee, it combines narrative poetry and guided meditation with prayerful questioning, sound effects and relaxing ambient music. It will help you to find peace in your own inner storms, whatever they are.  Immerse yourself in this and you'll find yourself there in the boat with Jesus; hearing the thunder, feeling the gale, pitching and tossing with the waves and experiencing the difference when Jesus brings his authority to the storm and says, "Peace. Be still."  

Your storm can become a prayer experience and that prayer can calm your anxieties.

Oh. ...  and I did I say?  ... there are two beautiful Margaret Rizza tracks on this CD too.

It's available from my web shop.  Look out for the special offer too if you want to buy both CDs in the series.

Maybe you could make a gift of it to someone who could use a little inner peace.   It's a great resource for individuals, small groups and churches.

Why not order it now, before you forget? 